Singer Ivan Tony also known as Sama Sojah of Redzone Entertainment has hit studio with Team No Sleep(TNS) singer Sheebah Kalungi in a collabo dubbed,”njiira love” which was outed a few days ago.
The two show their vocal powers in a chorus whose lines go, “”Njiira Love ntobe, eriyiinka bwenjisangula twabike”, and a great pitch strength from Sama who seems to be a master in this. Singer Queen Karma(Sheebah) is not fond of such soft voices but in this, she expressed her ability to make a great versatile artist.
Sama sojah is known for his collabo with Ugandan vocalist Irene Namubiru called “kikondoolo”. He is also known for a number of songs like akaama, nyonyi nyange, money, kasimu, blessings, akalipo. Currently, the singer is going around his latest album called The African Poet which was released a few months ago.
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