Shazam has launched its new playlist Naija Risers on Apple Music, featuring the songs trending on Shazam in Nigeria right now — from the latest artists releases to the music featured in movies and TV shows. The playlist compiles songs by Nigeria’s fast-emerging artists trending across the Shazam Charts.
It offers a select mix of sounds that show what music aficionados have been actively discovering on Shazam, and reflect the energy and boundless spirit of Naija, from Afrobeats and Afro-Pop through to Alte and Hip-Hop.
The playlist includes the likes of breakthrough artist and Africa Rising alumni Omah Lay, Tems (currently No. 1 on Apple Music in Nigeria), Kiddominant’s latest single and recent Big Brother Naija winner Laycon.
“For some reason, I’m emotional about Shazam, I looove Shazam! As a new artist, my voice was unfamiliar, my name was unfamiliar… Shazam has been very instrumental to my career, and the first real data I had that let me know people were checking me out.” – Omah Lay
“Afrobeats is becoming a global sound and Shazam has been a key tool to the discovery of our sound all over the world.” – Kiddominant
The Shazam Naija Risers playlist is updated with new music each week and is exclusively available to stream on Apple Music at
( Source : Gerrald Israel)
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